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Club Media

Just a few of the many fantastic achievements of the efs triathlon club that have caught Media attention and inspired others to go for goals.

From Ironman winners - Australian World Championship team members - Marathons in Boston or New York & Antartica - You Tube commercials - A national Print poster campaign

How about a solo ride from Melbourne to Perth  - feature in French media & also in the New York Times . What about a double solo swim to Rotto & back on the same day ... 3 podiums  at an ITU Age Group Worlds - plus lots of Triathlete of the Year Awards and also just being out there because you love the sport

   efs triathlon  " more than just a tri club"

 1st @ Hawaii Ironman 


   2018 Display Entrance @ LFB 

 Snap - Australia wide Ironman       Store Posters 

   Mandurah Mail 

   Interstate competitors @  NT         Darwin Olympic Triathlon 

 Busselton R2R Half Marathon Promotion Jetty2Jetty weekend 

   ITU Worlds London

Class of 2015 & Medals 

    Page 1 @ Ironman NZ 

 Brothers J racing Antarctic     Marathon as fund raiser 

    Age Group  TOTY 16/17

 Squad Youth Focus Fundraiser 

 First ever Challenge Event 

Hamburg ITU Age Group Worlds 


First ever TWA YouTube 70.3 promo 

 Worlds 70.3 Team Mooloolaba  

Mandurah Mail 

 Aust AG Duathlon Champs Adelaide

  Bintan , indonesia -  Podium 

Morzne, France -Local Tourist News 

 8in8 Swim Assist with Craig P

Melville Times  2018 

 Double Rotto Crossing on same day 

 Tour de France Tri Camp 

 Solo Charity Ride- Melb to Perth 

     Club Tent at IMWA 

Bunbury Race Poster 2018 

Sound Telegraph  January 2018 

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Melville Times/Gazette

September 2019 .

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World 70.3 Championships

Nice, France September 2019 

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Garden City, Booragoon --- Club Promo day August 2019

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TWA Annual Report 2019 

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